Connection timeout issue

Same problem here. My ID is 6242304970
Please add me to the Whitelist : 6274831970

With, no problems, but if I use my ID ( 6274831970 ): timeout

@dingyichen Hi, and doesn’t work anymore. At first one i receive to confirm account with code from email, and on lixin i received incorect password

Hi @dingyichen,

I have a Connection Problem with Mi bedside Lampe 2. I tried to Connect from every Server and also with given Account (with Android and iOS system). Same issue. Does my id (6279394780) need to be add to whitelist?

thank you in advance :slight_smile:


Hi, mi id is 1756985292, i cannot add the bedside lamp2 to my home, please help me.

the lamp was working fine but i change the wifi setup of my router and when i want to connect again the lamp fail in the wifi conection.

Hello @dingyichen
I have tried this method successfully before with 2 bedside lamps. I need to do it with 2 additional lamps but it looks like someone changed the password. Can you please restore pass for lixin account again?


I just bought XIAOMI Mi Desk Lamp 1S, and after firmware update I am unable to connect to Wi-Fi again with error: Device connecting timed out. I found this topic but was unable to connect with mention account in thread …
My Mi account: 6265216576
MAC address of lamp that is written on the bootom: 04:CF:8C:1A:FA:E5

But I notice that MAC address is not the same when I am looking trough Yeelight app: 06:CF:8C:1A:FA:E5
I also see that lamp gets IP address from DHCP, but still connection timed out.
But initially I did manage to connect, and then he said that he needs to upgrade firmware and after that no more connection. That was all done via Mi Home App.

I try resetting device several time, try changing DNS to on my router, try to manually connect to Yeelight network that lamps creates but still I get same error: connection timed out

Can this be fixed, or I am out of luck :frowning:

Thanks in advance

Best regards


Is this the solution for today’s problems? Or is this just for some devices?


I manage to connect lamp trough Mi home and Yeelight app but only on Chinese mainland region.
I have the latest firmware: 2.0.6_0007, but when I try to connect to my region (Europe - Croatia) where my other device are located I get error: connection timed out.
So I know that lamp is not broken :slight_smile: that’s good, but what the hack.

Model of the lamp: MJTD01SYL
SN: 23576/00028514
Production date: 10/2019
Mi account: 6265216576

So before a firmware update I could connect to my Region, and after update I can’t!!!
Can someone please help me and fix this issue!

Thanks in advance

Best regards


Hi all, please have a try, the issue has fixed.


It’s working like a charm :smile:
This is the reason why I use your products, you are not ignoring user and you are fast in resolving issue!!!

Happy Easter to you all!

Best regards


Account 1582465430
Can’t connect anymore my Mi desk lamp since few weeks now. Every single time I tried to reconnect it would say time-out. I’m on the US server.

1 个赞

I’m having the same problem with my Yeelight since some weeks ago.

Please add me to the whitelist thank you 6157672743

first of all thank you for yor support. But how a i can upgrade the firmware? I’ve restarted the lamp and the phone. i’ve login with and the app doesn’t show me another upgrade than 1.3.0_0055. tubemate // mobdro

Hi @dingyichen, I just bought a xiaomi mi desk lamp and I was not able to connect it with mi home android app. Could you please add me to waitlist or indicate the steps to make it work? mi account id is 6218542546. Thanks in advance!

I can’t connect to your account

I need a verification mode

Hi, my account no is 6321967519. I can connect with But when i switch back to my account i cannot connect?? Please help

Account name issue and need the password reset so I can upgrade the firmware.

Hello together from Germany,
I have the same problem with my Yeelight ceiling thingy (12.2017-production) and have done all I researched via the Yeelight-Android-app:

  1. Yeelink-Email-adresses, like oder, the password “yeelink1234” isn’t working.
  2. China mainland instead of reommended Europe
  3. DNS-Change in the router settings
  4. Always resetting by 5 times off/on.
    -> Still “connection timeout”
    Please help. I would like to connect via android-app.
    Thanks in advance