Connection timeout issue

Please whitelist my account 6280853040
thanks in regards

I found same problem.

Please add my account 6151929038

Thank you so much

I had the same issue, and apparently it got fixed when I sent error reports (from the app) of all the devices that I could no longer connect. I haven’t seen this solution much on the forum, and I’m not entirely sure if it’s working now just because of the sent error reports, but I would reccommend everyone struggling with this problem to give it a go! It’s very easy to do and it’s the only thing that seemed to work for me.

Since this morning, all my LED bulbs were offline and I could not reconnect/reset, it stalls with “Connection timeout” every time. In the last months my devices regularly lost connection somehow, but I always managed to reset them, however this no longer worked now. I tried lots of other stuff first: reset the devices multiple times, change of wifi network, router reset, DNS check, etc. Then I logged in with the account and it turned out all the devices did connect using this account, so I knew the devices weren’t broken and my internet connection wasn’t the problem. I suspected there would be a firmware update available, but this was not the case. I logged back in with my own account, tried to connect my devices once again, many times, but it didn’t work again. Frustrated, I gave up and then decided to send the error reports through the app. To my surprise, 5 mins later 2 of my devices (the ones I sent the error reports from - as an example) suddenly turned online. Looks like sending the error report triggers some kind of troubleshooter from the Yeelight server, and it seems to work!

Devices concerned:
3x Yeelight LED bulb color I
2x Yeelight LED bulb color II
1x Bedside lamp I (had been offline for months)
I’m on the Europe server, and all devices are back online now!

OK, I was too optimistic. My Yeelight Color Bulbs I and Bedside Lamp still work, but the Color Bulbs II went offline again since yesterday. Once more, I managed to connect to them with the account, but it fails to connect to my own account on the Europe server. When trying to connect, it goes up to 50%, then the bulb flashes once (indicating there is some communication!), but then it shows “updating connection”, and when reaching 100% it shows the well-known “Connction Timeout”. Sending error reports doesn’t help anymore.

Mi ID:1793691751
Color Bulb II firmware 2.0.6_0065

You don’t need to connect the bulb again when it is offline, please have a try restart the bulb and wait for a moment to see if it is back online.

With restart you mean turn off power once? Tried it, doesn’t come back online.

But I think I have to reset/reconnect anyway, because the last time it was connected it was on the dingyichen account and I removed the device form that account again before logging out, so I guess that erases the wifi login data on the lamp too, I guess?

So I reset the lamp again, when reconnecting it reaches 50%, the lamp blinks once on 52% and then it stalls, goes up to 100% until “Connection timeout”.

Hi, I tried the steps from Mainland China server , but when I select firmware update from “” I can’t find any. My id is 6276695827. Any chance it needs whitelisting?

Do you mean you can connect with dingyichen account but not with yours? What’s the firmware version of bulb do you use?

Yes, you are right. You should reset the bulb and connect it again if you want to switch account.

Could you connect the bulb with account of dingyichen?

Please add me to the whitelist, my id is 6260502746

Many thanks,

No , it timed out

Is there anything that you could think of that I can try to make it work ?

Have you ever made the bulb work successfully? How about setup a hotspots with another phone and try connect the bulb to it to see if it works?

Please add me to the whitelist, my id is 6260502746

Many thanks,

The light bulbs (Color Bulb II, firmware 2.0.6_0065) are online again!

Edit: now 2 hours later they’re offline again. I didn’t restart or reset. This is getting a little crazy.

Also, my Yeelight Desk Lamp is suddely offline.
My other Yeelight devices (Color Bulb I, Ceiling Light, Bedside Lamp, Yeelight 650) are online and function properly.

Hi… this also happened to the : MI LED Smart Bulb (Color) English global version
this happened after it upgrade to the latest version firmware which upgrade the firmware from version 1.2.4_0016 to the latest app offer which is 2.0.6_0035
For now the Bulb is frequently goes Offline… I try the pinned method which is login to the account using China server in the Yeelight App… and pair the Bulb but it said that the 2.0.6_0035 is the latest version already…
please help… thanks you

Hi @dingyichen, could you please add my ID to the whitelist? 6152554245
Same problem with Bedside Lamp 2.
Many Thanks,

Please add me to the whitelist thank you 1764879058

Please add me to the Whitelist : 6274831970

I login with and there is no update. Can you help me? My device is led bulb color and my mi id is 6153464216. Yeelight app version: 3.2.38