Connection timeout issue

Please Help me with connecting my light the firmware update is not working. I have not been able to connect my light and then I tried to update the firmware


it looks like someone changed the password, can you reset it ?

I got same problem with connection time out with Yeelight JIAOYUE 650 can somebody please reset the password for the account mentioned. Btw my account is 6225104388

Hello, I was able to use this method to update the firmware on my first lamp. I bought another lamp and I can no longer log into account to update firmware of my new lamp. Please help me. My account number is 6194008899 Thank you

Please reset the password not working again

please reset the pasword to update firmware. id 6273611863

Извините, но я не могу войти под вашем логином и паролем. Мой Id 4169464702. Где можно посмотреть версию прошивки yeelight. В маршрутизатор моя лампа есть.

Этот текст будет скрыт

Have changed account:

Can you please whitelist my account? I am having the same issues.


Hi can you reset password for the old account. many thanks

I can confirm that this is the only solution that worked for me - Yeelight multicolour LED bulb.

It was not a DNS or ISP, or router, or WiFi issue.

I connected to the account in post #1 according to instructions, and managed to get the bulb connected. Then updated the firmware. Then I logged out. Logged back in with my own account and repeated the steps to connect the bulb. Connected successfully on the first attempt within seconds.

I only stumbled onto this post by accident. Tried out so many other solutions. It would be nice if there is an official FAQ located somewhere searchable easily.


So, we just have to wait that they reset again the password and try again.

Please whitelist my account 1580883702. Thanks.

Dear dingyichen,
First of all, many thanks for all your very usefull posts.
I have carrefully follow your advice : connect with yeelink account, connect the light ( it works only with this account!) update the firmware… then goback to my personnal account I gave still the same time out problem…
It seems that I have to kindly ask you to add me to the whitelist account…
Is it possible ? My uid is 6272492105
Thanks a lot.

Same problem here… My bedside lamp 2. My ID 6177467298. Please reset the pass of…thanks a lot

Hello, there’s no whitelist to resolve the issue. We have changed account to, please use this account to have a try.

Hello, there’s no whitelist to resolve the issue. Which device do you have? And what’s the latest firmware version?

Hi. I keep getting connection timed out error on my mi wifi repeater 2. But i dont get it when i use your account to log in. when i try to update firmware it says its on the latest version. can you add my id to whitelist so i can update it to beta version? my id is 6217348678

Hi, I have a similar problem. My bedside lamp 2 works with hotspot on 4G but not with my router. It appears in the DHCP list. My DNS is set to the lamp said it’s updated to the latest firmware. What should I do?
Thank you!
My Id: 6273375929

Please whitelist my account 6280853040
thanks in regards