Call for beta users for Brand New Yeelight Alexa Skill

Please give me your Amazon id(email) .

We are so sorry. There are some issues need to be resolved. Please stay tuned.

Hi, could me please add me to the list?
Many thanks!

Hello is it possible to beta test it ? Thanks

beta skill continues working great. Update skill in amazon please!!

Is the beta available also on Europe server (German)? I have three bulb and I’m waiting for a Yeelight Mi LED Desk lamp. I’m using Alexa in Italian language.

Yes, it is. You can send me your amazon id.

Thank you, I’ve received it. Where can I find any new features in the beta? What are the differences with the standard skill?

The Mainland of China server is available.

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Are you answering to me?

@luhaobo I have sent you my Amazon e-mail ID, could you please add me to the Beta? Thanks!

OK. Thanks.

@luhaobo sorry to disturb you again but I haven’t received anything on my e-mail yet… Could you please re-add me to the Beta or something? Thank you!

OK. You are so welcome. Could you please email me again your information? Thanks again.

Sorry, I completely forgot about this. I have sent you an e-mail, as I still didn’t receive anything from Amazon…

@luhaobo any chance you can add me again? I still don’t have an e-mail to participate in the beta programme :<

Hi, I have sent you another email asking to be added to the skill.

Is there a possibility to run another skill for everybody who wants to use alexa, mi home and the yeelight app together…

@luhaobo hello I sent you an email but no reply yet.

Can you invite me to beta test ? Thank you :slight_smile:

Sorry for delay. Could you please give me your email? Thanks.