Yeelight Bedside Lamp 2 - LAN Control issue after update fw to 2.0.6_0041



Could you add my account to the white list please ?

MI ID: 1765021353
Server: North and South America

Multiple Devices

Thank you very much!



Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control in HA
Mi ID: 1626466879
Region: Russia
Multiple Devices!



Sorry for ctrlc-ctrlv :slight_smile:
Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control for Home Assistant
Mi ID: 1728672803
Region: Russia
I have a lot Devices!

Please let me and everyone else know if this is even possible - make a sticky note at the top. I feel kind of dumb begging for something that you’re not going to do anyway.

Seriously? Dude, relax just a freaking lamp. Don’t make yourself mad. Their products don’t meets our smarty

As far as i could thinking of. Start a virtual mechine. Install the yeelight, set a marco click on the camera pick color mode. Then you control the camera into whatever you want to program. That’s the way out. Or just flash the esphome.

I don’t use the lamp anymore, cuz the led is three colored, it use pwm light control, flicking blinding my eyes.
I prefer just use a projector to achieve the ambient lighting. And for the program control.i think mi app makes a good lamp by full screen color control panel itself.


Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control for Home Assistant
Mi ID: 1708638002
Region: DE


Hello @chyhaiyuan . LAN connection is important to me as well, please whitelist my account, thanks!
Mi ID : 6387558040
Region : Europe and African

Best regards.

Please enable LAN control for my account!
ID: 1656504451
Server: Europe and Africa (Frankfurt)
Product: Bedside Lamp 2
Model: yeelink.light.bslamp2

mi ID: 421787242
Xiaomi Mi LED Ceiling Light

Thank you so much!


I need to access to lan control.

I had access with yeelight android app, but I can’t access with my Xiaomi id right now.

Can I help you? I have a yeelink.light.color5 and I use Europe server. My id is 1626076330




Sorry for ctrlc-ctrlv :slight_smile:
Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control for Home Assistant
Mi ID: 4157249786
Region: Russia
I have a lot Devices!

Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control for Home Assistant
Mi ID: 4187441653
Region: Russia
I have a lot Devices!

Hi. Add my account to White list please.
ID: 6396712980 (europe)

Hi @chyhaiyuan
Can you please add me to the white list?
ID: 416118416
Server: Russia
Model : yeelight.light.bslamp2 (Bedside Lamp 2)
Firmware : 2.0.6_0030

Thank you so much!!

Hi @chyhaiyuan
Can you please add me to the whitelist ?
Mi ID : 1829595142
Region : Europe
I have multiple devices

Hi @chyhaiyuan
Can you please add ne to the list? I really need LAN control for my Desk Lamp Pros.

My Id: 6385889571




Please add me to the whitelist. I need LAN control for Home Assistant
Mi ID: 6168961216
Region: North America


Please enable the firmware required for LAN mode. I naively clicked on the firmware update.

MI ID: 6216935986 (Mainland China)

Thank you in advance.



Could you add my account to the white list please ?

MI ID: 1890734460
Server: Europe (Frankfurt)

Multiple Devices

Thank you very much!


I have 2 yeelight lamps, need LAN. access for both. Can you get me into whitelist, please?
MI ID: 1587863922
