Urgent firmware downgrade request (2.0.6_0051) Home Assistant Unavaliability

You can move to the China server, update the bulbs and move them back. And yes speed is slower if you are not from china

Thanks, seems I ran into another bug that won’t let you add bulbs in iOS13…

Any update?

sorry for late.

just invite you, the bulb disconnect at about 04:04

Could you stop HA’s request to this device and use telnet to send some command? So we could see why no response is sent back. Don’ t terminate TELNET session when you didn’t get the response.


HA is shut down.
and telnet is open. just send a command {“id”:1,“method”:“toggle”,“params”:[]} to bulb

{“id”:1,“method”:“get_prop”,“params”:[“power”, “not_exist”, “bright”]}
just send in telnet

Could you just send toggle command and then keep the telnet session? The toggle did take effect, right?

ok, as you wish

Do you have WeChat? Could we do some live debugging through some instant message app?

yes, i have wechat

Could you add me to your we chat? 18669790817

Any update on the issue?

Still struggling with it.

I really wish I could help. But what I can help with has been done by others already. Let us know how else we can possibly help.

@weiwei Is there a command to power cycle / restart a bulb? Looking at the API documentation there doesn’t seem to be a method for that.

Good news is that we make some progress today. We will wait a little longer before release this to all whitelist users.

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There is no power cycle or restart command from lan side.

Hi, all. V2.0.6_0060 is in beta now, which includes a promissing fix for the offline/no-response issue. Please update and see how it works.

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Updated to build 60. Will report back if / when an issue is encountered.