Urgent firmware downgrade request (2.0.6_0051) Home Assistant Unavaliability

i use bulbv2 and light strip plus on AppleTV with homekit enabled firmware.
Bulb has v. 2.0.6_0051 firmware
Strip has v. 2.0.6_0063 firmware

Both devices are unavailable from time to time in Apple Home and also in Yeelight APP.
I would like to test latest firmware for Bulb

Please add my ID: 1625215422 (German server)
to test latest firmware


Hi, please add me too, 1890080121, singapore server. Thanks

There is a command limit for each client, within 1 minute, only 60 commands are permitted. For HA, if you operate too frequently, then bulb will stop executing commands util the next minute.

Anyone tested firmware version 56? Any update?

BTW, Oct 1st to Oct 7th is Chinese National Holiday and we could not provide prompt support, sorry for the inconvenience.

I’ve updated to 56. At the moment my bulbs are working. Will have to wait for at least 72 hours though before reporting back. Update to 55 made my bulbs work for 48+ hours before disconnecting. If 56 works for more than 72 hours then I’d be hopeful that it is a permanent fix.

Thanks for verifying, hopefully it will fix the problem.

0056 isn’t work: count + 1

I don’t know how many users problem get fixed on FW 0055 and 0056. But for me, it isn’t work. Try connected bulbs to access point as well as direct to router. Both didn’t work.


I’m not sure I understand your case.

Are you using Home Assistant? If so, did you define your bulbs with static IP’s in the config file?

Take note that if you’re referring to your bulbs not being discovered by HA, that’s a a different issue from this one https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues/26574

yes, i use HA but not homekit
yes, bulbs static ip is set, discovery disabled on HA

Actually, I did try different setting in HA configuration. music_mode on and off, bulb connected to internet or internet disabled in router, connected to ap and router, I try different brand of router (asus, tp-link). I even create another new HA server, with only yeelight bulbs connected. All not working…

I do use HA for over a years. I’m not an expert, but I think I have quite enough knowing of HA. I have yeelight color 2, philip smart bulbs, smart power stripes and switches, mi gateway, sonoff basic, IR, temp and humd sensors, motion senor, door lock etc… All devices work great with HA in the past year. Yeelight bulbs work great also, till FW 0051.

Hi, could you be more specific on your case? Is the bulb disconnected from HA from time to time? Or HA shows unavailability of the bulb? Or the bulb didn’t respond to commands after a while?

Did you reserve / assign the IP addresses of the bulbs in your router’s DHCP?
When you say “not working,” what exactly do you mean? The bulbs remain unavailable in HA? Have you tried power cycling the bulbs?

OK. thanks for your reply in advance.

To set static ip for bulbs, I do set reserve ip in DHCP
I do power recycle the bulbs if it is unavailable.

But, the problem is, like other users in this thread. Yeelight bulb become unavailable in HA time to time. Unavailable after several hours, until I manually switch off and on the bulb. And after another several hours, unavailable again. Same problem on FW 0051, 0053, 0055 and the newest 0056.

I know that the bulb has rate limited, I did try to send command through HA to control the bulb repidly so to try to simulate unavailable in HA. If I control the bulbs through HA for about 10 to 12 times repidly, the bulb will be unavailable for a while, and reconnect within 1 or 2 minutes and work fine afterwards. Errors in HA like:

Unable to update device, YeelightColorBulb-5221: {‘code’: -1, ‘message’: ‘client quota exceeded’}

Connection lost. Reconnecting…

But, If I let the bulb idle, for several hours, error like:
2019-10-02 16:07:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.yeelight] Unable to update device, YeelightColorBulb-5221: Bulb closed the connection.
2019-10-02 18:13:44 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.yeelight] Unable to update device, YeelightColorBulb-5221: Bulb closed the connection.
2019-10-03 04:01:41 ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.components.yeelight] Unable to update device, YeelightColorBulb-5221: Bulb closed the connection.

And it will be unavailable in HA until a bulbs power cycle. Like I mention in previous reply, If it is unavailable, HA failed to control it, even telnet failed to control it. Only a power recycle can make the bulb live again.

Thanks for explaining.

Then I wouldn’t be surprised if my bulbs disconnect after some time (using 56 firmware)/ I will report back when / if this happens. As mentioned in my previous post, an upgrade to 54 (not 55 as I said) made my bulbs working for 48+ hours, but after that all of them disconnected altogether.

An update from my side. My bulbs suddenly disconnected from HA in the middle of the night (while I was asleep, so no usage) after working correctly for about 96 hours using the 0055 firmware. Power cycling made them appear again. Perhaps worth mentioning: my Xiaomi gateway also stopped working in HA at around the same time (it isn’t discovered anymore). Could this be related, or is this just a coincidence?

A question for the devs: it seems like I can only update beta firmware when I’m on the China server. This is a bit cumbersome, since I have everything connected to the server in Germany. Is it possible to also push the firmware to lights on the Germany server?

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thanks for your information, that’s too bad… anything special about your router?
Do you use AC+AP or do you enable IPv6 on your router?

My network setting is quite complicated. I have two ISP and two routers (ASUS RT-5300 and TP-Link C2), two router link together with a lan cable. One router with wired connection to an AP (ASUS AC68U) for home automation devices, HA server and all WIFI devices. The other router is wired connected to my PC and NAS. IPv6 all disabled. This setting works great with no issue until FW 0051.

In FW 0055, I do test the bulbs with only one router and no AP, But in vain, still unavailable after several hours.

I am now testing the bulbs with new FW 0056 that connected to my RT-5300 directly. Disconnect/turn off other routers and AP. It’s now working for about 5 hours. I’ll keep monitor it.

Thanks for your info!


2019-10-04 20:10:02 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [homeassistant.components.yeelight] Unable to update device, YeelightColorBulb-5221: Bulb closed the connection.

Bulb just disconnected, after about 7 hours. During this 7 hours, the bulb is keeping switch on.

So you are on 56 version now and when you telnet the bulb, no response at all right?

yes, firmware 0056.

telnet 55443 and success access the bulb.

sending the command:
{“id”:1,“method”:“set_power”,“params”:[“on”, “smooth”, 500]}

press enter, just hang, no response, no error code.