Failure to integrate with Google home

Continuing the discussion from Google Home unable to link with Yeelight / Mi Home:

I face a problem in integrating my colour LED Bulb with Google home. The same device is working fine In Yeelight app and amazon alexa. But when I try to link Yeelight with google, this device is not recognised.
Mi ID 5211575739

Hi guy,

Are you sure used this ID ? I didn’t find any logs, I suggest you re-link Xiaomi account by Mi ID instead of email, first you should clear default browser’s cache then re-login Xiaomi account on GoogleHome app, if you have any problems, please let me know, I’d be glad to answer them.


Problem solved. Thanks.
I believe I have 2 mi accounts with the same email id. and that was creating the issue.
Appreciate your support, Scott :smile: