Hello , I´m having time out issue. Tried everything and more. 4 different phones. 3 different routers. Install app and configure everything but when reaches 100% shows “time out”. I NEED TO CONFIGURE LAN CONTROL, so I can configure home assistant. I got ping to all Servers and also see device with an IP address at my router DHCP list. tried 2-3 different application from android. Tried iphone too. Removed special characters from router password. Tried without password and open network. Tried hotspot from phone. I did everything and still cann´t connect. Tried with those acounts but password is wrong. I NEED A SOLUTION for my yeeligth lighstrip YLDD02YL.
Check this.
I have this issue die to user I’d being greater the 32 bit but the login information to get the firmware is no longer valid
The logins to update firmware are no longer valid … is it possible to have another one ?
this one is ok : 2410552805/yeelink1234
Hello! I have an issue with my Lightstrip 1s connection to the application. I’ve tried the other yeelink accounts in order to update the software but none of them seems to be working. Could you please help me to connect and configure my yeelight lightstrip 1s to the application ?
Thank you.
Hello, Yeelight as an aspiring global company, the least they could do is to keep that account working. I read all posts related to this issue, most likely is a firmware bug that affects thousands of customers. None of these workaround accounts are working at the moment and our products are not functional. I have a Yeelight Lightstrip Plus, it appears in DHCP of the router and MiHome app but has serious problems in remaining connected to the local wifi network more than 10 minutes. The firmware update available promises to fix this network stability issue but we cannot update because of the 32 bits account problem. Please refresh that account so we can update our firmware.
A < 32 bit account to try update the fw?
None of the previously provided accounts work.