Still can’t add the device using a mobile as hotspot.
But i’d try with our own user account using US server.
Which device do you have? Could you show a picture of it?
I can see it on list of devices connected on hotspot (or wifi router in that moment) but still the connection time out
What’s the power outage do you use? This bulb only support 220v.
Here in Peru is 220v
Most of connection timeout issue is cause by DNS parse error issue, maybe you can connect your ISP for help to ask if they block xiaomi cloud. And most of the cases, hotspots with another phone works, but I am not sure why it also fails. Maybe you can try with other server.
At this moment, i try all servers. Yeelight and Xiaomi Home apps. Two differents wifi router and a mobile as hotspot. Our own accout and lixin one.
ISP is not blocking any servers or region.
Any other sugestion?
Just for your information. I went to the store where i bought the bulb. They change it for another one(new) and try it on the store. It sincronize at once.
There is something wrong with the first one. Well, one in a million.
Thanks for you help.
recently i purchased the yeelight color bulb 1 but unfortunately i can not connect no matter what , i’ve tried hotspotting phones and also the device shows up in my DHCP but when the setting up hits 100% it says connection timeout . i have tried everything i even tried to use the xiamoni account you listed above ( unfortunately seems like this account is no longer active because i can not connect to it also this is my mi ID : 6256485609 please help me if possible
I have similar connection issue with Mi Bedside Lamp (gold base).
I have logged in using the email and password provided to try update the firmware but my lamp does not appear anywhere. It shows in my WiFi list and I have 2 other lamps connected.
Any ideas what I could try?
Good evening. I have 5 working LED bulbs Gen 2. Recently I bought a yeelight led strip plus but I am not able to connect it to any app (yeelight or Xiaomi home) despite it is recognized by the apps. After starting the connection or it says “time out” at 99% (when the led strip has just been reset) or “device disconnected” at around 50%. I changed de DNS to google public servers, tried all the servers in the app and nothing. Also tried to used the yeelink account above ( but is no longer possible to connect so I cannot try to update the firmware.
My ID is: 1865771195.
Can you please give some assistance?
Which server do you use?
Thank you for your fast reply. I tried all of them.
Hi I am in Turkey. I have two yeelight devices (Mi led desk lamp & Led color bulb) , yet I cannot add neither of them. It says “time out” at 99% (During this process, the phone, which is another Xiaomi, tries to connect to the network named “yeelink-light-color1_miap5d85” (it says "connected, but no internet connection)
I use China server
MI ID: 1697736186
I’m also having this connection timeout issue with my yeelight led colour. i tried with all the servers and nothing
Any news regarding this? Really need assistance otherwise this led strip is useless!
Thank you.
I am also not able to connect my device, Lightstrip plus. Did reset many times, I am connecting to 2.4 network, router is connected to Internet, still no luck. Mz account ID is bigger than 32 bits, workaround with the account no longer works. I am connecting from Czech Republic, but also tried a number of other servers, including China and Singapore.
Is this issue ever getting resolved or should I return it for refund?
Hello, i have the first generation of yeelight strip, and my account id is higher than 32bit , it starts with number 6 , and when i try,it is not working obviously regarding the date of this publish 2018 , can you please give me a solution or a user to log in from ? Thank you
Try Password: yeelink1234.
This user is working well, but when i sign in the system sends a message to that email with a number, this number i should put it in order to log in, also it has 50 second limit to enter the number, may you please give me your email address to connect with you better and quicker? Thank you