Mi Led Desk Lamp Lost Connection in GH

I was able to successfully register my Mi LED Desk Lamo with the Yeelight app and have used the Singapore server. I was able to integrate it with GH and everything is working perfectly until after 2 weeks that GH can’t connect to the device anymore. If I go directly to the Yeelight app the device works, (I can turn it off and on) and also on the Mi Home App I can also access it. I have another device under Yeelight and this still works in GH. I removed the Desk Lamp and rejoined it again in Yeelight app and also unlinked and relinked the Yeelight in GH but still I can’t control it. The error in GH says “Oops, can;t connect to the light”

Can you check what’s the issue?

Thanks you.

My ID 1909451787

Same here, around two weeks ago