Control Multiple Yeelight Ceiling with 1 Remote

Yeelight Support,

I have installed 4 pieces of Yeelight Ceiling Light in my Living Hall. I would like to use 1 physical remote control to turn on/off, change scene of all 4 pieces of Yeelight Ceiling Light simultaneously. Can you advise if that is possible.

I have tried pairing the physical remote control to multiple Yeelight Ceiling Light that has been turned on, but each time, only 1 Yeelight Ceiling Light will be paired instead.

It does not make sense for me to hold up 4 physical remote control to control each of the Yeelight Ceiling Light.

Thanks. Waiting for your advise

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I had the same problem, after a lot of time spent trying here is my solution:

  1. Pair Lamp 1 as usual. Lamp 2 is still not paired.
  2. Turn on both lamps using the app.
  3. Leave the lights on and remove the unpaired lamp so it is disconnected from power.
  4. Put lamp on wall mount again
  5. Press M and OFF together on the remote
  6. After a few seconds of blinking the second lamp is also paired!

I have only 2 lamps bit if you proceed with each lamp it should work too!

I hope it helps, I found no other solution on the web