Problem with login to Mi Home app (ios)

Please fix mine?


I’m still not able to log in.

This is very frustrating. I have yeelights that I’m unable to use because of this.

Sorry about the issue, have a try again.

Oh my god, got the same problem. At website shows up “Too many attempts, try again later” and on my Xiaomi Redmi 5A shows up “Access denied”. Please, please, please. Help me with this stupid trouble. I cant even use my new phone and yeelights. :frowning:



Thank you very much. You’re better than official support 1000 times. Let me donate you a little. Send me your Paypal email in PM if you wish. Thank you, thank you and thank you again!!!

@Oltrim get serious mate. @dingyichen is yeelight staff and is part of the official support

Yes, you’re right he is. But anyways, its true, that he is better. Cuz i tried to contact global, hk,us,indian supports and they dont even care, that users having issues with their accounts. They just ask to wait 24-48 hours and nothing changes.

Thank you, you can have more Yeelight devices to support us :grinning:

Same problem. My email is

Fixed,you can have a try now.

I have thge same problem cannot log into My Home App so cannot use our new vaccum cleaner.
I registered with


Thanks dingyichen,
my account is 1871263966 and login

Your xiaomi account is login from facebook without password, so you have two choices here 1) please login with facebook or 2) go to, select forget password, and create a password for your account "".

Thankyou dingyichen,
You have turned what seemed an impossible fix into a great working app.
I used your option 2,
My appreciation,

can someone please delete my “old” (unused) account “*****”?

i created a new one under a 2nd mail address because the old doesn’t work.
on the old account my cell phone number is registered so i can’t use them on the new one :frowning:

You need delete it by yourself, what’s the problem with your old account?

1 个赞

really strange, i tried to login in this account so often, now it works and i deleted them.
thanks for reply

ios framework has a dll error which you can resolve from and also learn about new things.