Desk Lamp 1S flickering and randomly disconnecting from homekit

ID: 1690918873
Firmware: 2.1.7_0020

Desk Lamp 1S keeps flickering and brightness drop randomly while brightness is between %1-10

and randomly disconnecting from homekit.

White list has been added


I have a smart LED filament lamp (bulb shape) which also flickers. Can you please whitelist me too?

MI ID: 8168940419
Firmware: 2.1.7_0020


1 个赞

ID: 6252560953
Firmware: 2.1.7_0020

My two Desk Lamp 1S keeps flickering and brightness drop randomly while brightness is between %1-10

Also randomly disconnecting from homekit.

@lihaoran Hi, pleaase white list me too , I need LAN control for HA
mi id = 6612934885
Model: yeelink.light.color4
Region : Asia and Oceania(Singapore)

I have the same issue. When lamp is not paired with mi home it’s okay, but when I pair lamp with my account to control it using phone it starts flickering on low brightness levels.
ID: 434320641
Firmware: 2.1.7_0020