
小米id2300067315 目前版本2.1.7-0017 麻烦开下白名单升级固件


MI ID: 138998618
Please give me LAN control for this Lamp. Just purchased but can’t use with Home Assistant (Homekit Contoller integration does not provide all required features)

Hey bro, now that there is no more LAN control in Mi Home, why not add it to ha in the Yeelight app?

There is no LAN control for 1S lamp in Yeelight app too. I never using MI Home for all my yeelights. Usually I enable LAN control in Yeelight App then use Yeelight integration to get them inside HA. But 1S lamp doesn’t have LAN Control in Yeelight App.

ok add your id to white list

Thank you! Now Yeelight shows new firmware update 2.1.7_0019, I updated lamp (lamp shows 2.1.7_0019 fw), then I removed lamp from app and added it back there as a new one, but LAN control is still hidden in this lamp options. What I need to do?

你好,我有同样的问题,麻烦加下白名单,小米ID: 149590717




我也需要加入LAN 控制 白名单小米 ID 1620295990, 谢谢

Hi! Can you add my ID 4168005705 for LAN control? Thanks!

1577332108 能帮我也添加一下吗 谢谢

Hi! Please add my ID 1679176635 to LAN control. Thanks!

我也需要加入LAN 控制 白名单小米 1736895161
Hi! Can you add my ID? 1736895161

ID:107597939 目前版本:2.1.7_0020 麻烦添加下,谢谢

MI ID: 1580558596
Please give me LAN control for this Lamp 1S. I can’t use with Home Assistant (Homekit Contoller integration does not provide all required features)