Before these day it’s all work properly but today
It’s can only on/off voice command in google home but not working with any scene setting from yeelight app.
this is my mi id : 6221536079
Before these day it’s all work properly but today
It’s can only on/off voice command in google home but not working with any scene setting from yeelight app.
this is my mi id : 6221536079
I am also having the same issue as of today
I also have the same problem.
The scenes work on Yeelight app but not on Google home.
I can just turn on and off by google assistant…
could anyone helps me?
ID: 1718645639
Server: south América
I’m also having the same issue since yesterday.
Server: Singapore
Please fix it asap, much appreciated.
It’s more than just google home, most integrations are dead, and so is LAN control
I’m having the same problem with scenes in Google home since yesterday morning. The Yeelight app still works. My server is North and South America. I tried to re-link my Yeelight account in Google home and got the message “No devices were found in your Yeelight account.”
Yes having the same issue with scenes too from yesterday
Same problem, everything worked fine until couple weeks ago. Now they only work in yeelight app. And Google doesn’t recognize any commands related to preset scenes in Yeelight app.
Id: 1817426800
Server: Mainland China (Beijing)
Scene: Default lights
Scene: Good night
Scene: Classroom
Scene: Rise up