请问一下 音乐律动模式为啥就没有了 Why you cancel the Music Mode for Mi Bedside Lamp 2

我很失望的 好不容易买了个路由器 结果这个模式被取消了 是不是那个谁谁谁说用音乐律动模式发不了WhatsApp的语音啊 不会发的时候关了音乐模式啊 发的时候放音乐对方能听清内容吗
恳请小米或是易来把这个功能恢复 这可是我选购Yeelight的原因之一
不然现在是什么 虚假广告吗

I am so sad to find that you canceled the Music Mode. I wish that Xiaomi or Yeelight officers could recover the Music Mode. Coz that’s one of the reasons why I choose to purchased your lamp in the first place. Don’t listen to those who trying to send voice messages while background music is playing. They can just as well close the Music Mode then send it. Lossing features is not a good strategy. It could lead a fake advertising, and it is against the law in China.



Need I mention those reviews on YouTube?
https://youtu.be/kzCRZSXIyUI around 7:11

Hi. I’m sorry to bother you. The rhythm of the music is controlled by the local area network. But MIJIA required that we must turn off this function, because the local area network control has the information leak the risk. When the LAN was turned off, the music beat wasn’t working, so the APP took that away.

Is there any way to force LAN function back online? I don’t care about the information leaking thing. I just wanted it to work. That’s why I brought the ligh. Now it is just like more rubbish to me.那有啥办法可以强制使用lan吗,我才不在乎什么“信息泄露”问题。我只希望能用。其实我就是因为有lan才买的灯。你这样真是挖空了我的购买初衷的核心。

What a leaking information risk you are talking. Yeah, you think that turning off the LAN will protect you from risk? Well I tell you, if anyone get to connect my network remotely, they can still control the light remotely with the app.

I’m sorry, it’s a restriction from Xiaomi, and we can’t violate his rules

【小米床头灯2 局域网控制 Lan control 氛围灯 音乐律动唯一可用解决办法 累人-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/m15Pey3

I’m so glad i get it fix. Thanks a lot. You guys are amazing.