Yeelight Bedside Lamp 2 - LAN Control issue after update fw to 2.0.6_0041

Please, add:
Xiaomi Account ID 4192069900
Server: Russia

I really need it for HA automatization and would have never bought the product if not for it.


@chyhaiyuan @zhangjiaxin @Yeelight-K
Please, activate LAN control for my account!

MI ID: 8209714269
Server: Europe and Africa (Frankfurt)


I’d possibly violate something on this forum, but again you won’t see much of me here anyway in the future.

Please, activate LAN control for my account!

MI ID: 6250317708
Server: Europe and Africa (Frankfurt)


My MI ID: 9115345
Server: China


Please, activate LAN control for my account!

MI ID: 1582174658
Server: China


@chyhaiyuan @zhangjiaxin @Yeelight-K
Please, activate LAN control for my account! That would be awesome!!

MI ID: 1585668193
Server: Europe (Frankfurt) or if needed Mainland China


Please whitelist my account to use LAN control.
MI ID: 1622426882

Model : yeelink.light.bslamp2
Server: Europe(Frankfurt)

Can you please add me to thé white list ?
My id : 1812559515
Serveur : China Mainland
Thanks you so much !

Please whitelist my account to use LAN control.
MI ID: 4166388346

Model : yeelink.light.bslamp2
Server: Russia

Hello @chyhaiyuan,
@zhangjiaxin, @Yeelight-K

LAN control is also critical for me and the main reason im buying Yeelight products, could you please activate it on my account? 1702932848

Im on Europe server,

Thank you!

Please, activate LAN control for my account!

MI ID: 1653970130
Model: yeelink.light.color3
Server: Singapur


Can you please enable LAN control on my account?

MI ID: 1598987083
Server: Europe

Thank you!!

Hello @chyhaiyuan,
@zhangjiaxin, @Yeelight-K

Can you please enable LAN control on my account?

MI ID: 6572571815
Server: Russia
Model: yeelink.light.bslamp2
Thank you!!


would you please enable LAN control on my account?

MI ID: 1719340547
Server: Europe (Germany)

Thank you in advance!


Can you please enable LAN control on my account?

MI ID: 6284270508
Server: Europe and africa (francfort)

Thank you!!


Can you please enable LAN control on my account?

MI ID: 1660939499
Server: germany

Thank you!!

Hi, I need LAN Control on my account.
ID: 1626185633
Server : China Mainland
Thanks you!

Hi, please enable LAN Control on my account.

MI ID: 1645554252
Server: Europe and Africa (Frankfurt)

Hi @chyhaiyuan, @zhangjiaxin , @Yeelight-K ,

Could you please also enable it on my account?
Id: 1730244741
Servers: Europe (France/Germany) and China Mainland.
Thank you and have a nice day.