Yeelight Screen Lamp Pro Razor Firmware Failed

Bild Hi there,
i connected the lamp and i cannot update it. The firmware is on 2.0.08_006.
According to the info, the firmware only stands for test. Can someone help me?

Hello, the problem doesn’t seem to be an isolated incident.
Have heard from several and read that they cannot update the lamp.
I wrote to support and they said it should go now. Of course it doesn’t work and the update keeps breaking off.
I sent two videos to support.
Once with the Yeelight app and then with the MiHome app.
Everything doesn’t work. Has anyone already managed to persuade the lamp to update?

I have the same problem. I have the Firmware 2.0.8_0006 and the app shows that 2.0.8_0018 is available. When I try to update the firmware (either in the yeelight or in the Mi Home app) the udpate fails. If read the output correctly, the process does not even get to the installation. I think even the download fails. If thats the case it is actually a yeelight server problem.

Anayways, I would really appreciate getting help from the YEELIGHT STAFF. I have several connection issues with voice assistant and smart home connection.