Desconexión de Lampara Ceiling y tiras de led Willow Lighstrip

Tengo varios dispositivos Yeelight, los cuales son los siguientes:
5 Tiras de led Yeelight Lighstrip Plus RGB.
1 Yeelight Ceiling
4 Tiras de led Willow Lighstrip.

Se encuentran conectados en el servidor China a mi red 2,4Gh de un router Xiaomi ax1800 en modo mesh.

El problema es que pasadas unas horas de su conexión los siguientes dispositivos:
1 Yeelight Ceiling
4 Tiras de led Willow Lighstrip.

Se desconectan en modo fuera de linea, no pudiendo ser controlados, de los 10 que he reseñado al principio siempre se desconectan de la red los mismos, su que reinicie la red y desconecte la corriente de todo y vuelvo a iniciar todo, siempre se conectan los mismos.
Estoy desesperado, he confiado en estas luces y diariamente tengo que estar reiniciando si quiero tener luz.

I have several Yeelight devices, which are the following:
5 Yeelight Lighstrip Plus RGB led strips.
1 Yeelight Ceiling
4 Willow Lighstrip led strips.

They are connected on the China server to my 2.4Gh network of a Xiaomi ax1800 router in mesh mode.

The problem is that after a few hours of their connection the following devices:
1 Yeelight Ceiling
4 Willow Lighstrip led strips.

They are disconnected in offline mode, not being able to be controlled, of the 10 that I have reviewed at the beginning, they always disconnect from the network, if they restart the network and disconnect the current from everything and I start everything again, they always connect the same.
I am desperate, I have trusted these lights and I have to be restarting daily if I want to have light.