How enable COLOR FLOW for Yeelight Crystal Pendant Light

Hello. Please help - want COLOR FLOW back to my light.

After update it works fine, but APPs now doesnt support it.
Now I can’t it back because COLOR FLOW was enabled himself after FIRMWARE update - and it’so LOVELY!!! But ONE you change Favorites - than you NEVER will enable COLOR FLOW - only 1 color :frowning:

Customization with colors doesn’t work on last app.

Look it:

IMG_0341 (2)

Make solution throug LAN command:

{“id”:1,“method”:“bg_start_cf”,“params”:[0,0, “5000, 1, 16711680, 100, 5000, 1, 65280, 100, 5000, 1, 255, 100”]}
Please add all BG_*** commands to Yeelight application. Thanks!