Yeelight Bedside Lamp + Xiaomi Gateway 3


I’m wondering is it possible to connect the old Yeelight Bedside Lamp (Bluetooth only) to Xiaomi Gateway 3 ( ZNDMWG03LM )?

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I also want to know if it is possible to connect the Yeelight Bedside Lamp (Bluetooth only) to Xiaomi Gateway 3 (ZNDMWG03LM)?

And also if it is possible to connect the Yeelight Bedside Lamp (Bluetooth only) to the Yeelight LED Ceiling Light through the BLE gateway?

I think many people would like an answer on this. The Xiaomi Gateway ZNDMWG03LM supports Bluetooth + Bluetooth Mesh and the support with Yeelight dimmers and lights would be amazing.

I would also like to know that :slight_smile:
am wondering if it’s possible to connect aqara motion sensor to gateway to turn on yeelight.
