YLXD49YL LAN Control stop working after firmware update to 2.0.6_0024


After full power on/off cycle LAN Control protocol (TCP:55443) on YLXD49YL (FW: 2.0.6_0024) works fine for some number of requests.
This number is different and sometimes 100 requests work, sometimes less and after the 5th does not work anymore. Some times need multiple power on/off cycle to get it fully working state again.
Packet sniffing indicates that the device is simply closing the connection on correctly formed request without any data:
1 0.000000 TCP 66 53942 → 55443 [SYN] Seq=0 Win=64240 Len=0 MSS=1460 WS=256 SACK_PERM=1
2 0.027174 TCP 60 55443 → 53942 [SYN, ACK] Seq=0 Ack=1 Win=5744 Len=0 MSS=1436
3 0.027275 TCP 54 53942 → 55443 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0
4 0.046314 TCP 300 53942 → 55443 [PSH, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=246
{“id”:287, “method”: “get_prop”, “params”: [“power”, “main_power”, “bright”, “ct”, “rgb”, “hue”, “sat”, “color_mode”, “flowing”, “bg_power”, “bg_lmode”, “bg_flowing”, “bg_ct”, “bg_bright”, “bg_hue”, “bg_sat”, “bg_rgb”, “nl_br”, “active_mode”]}
5 0.243595 TCP 60 55443 → 53942 [ACK] Seq=1 Ack=247 Win=5498 Len=0
6 5.052412 TCP 54 53942 → 55443 [FIN, ACK] Seq=247 Ack=1 Win=64240 Len=0

If send an incorrectly formed request, the device responds immediately:
{“id”:0, “error”:{“code”:-1, “message”:“invalid command”}}.

miIO protocol (UDP:54321) protocol works fine.
All other functions works fine.

After some time LAN Control Protocol can start working again for short time.

Workaround: Try use HomeKit Controller integration in HA. Works really good!

It seems that in firmware 2.0.6_0026 the main problem is solved. But LAN Protocol may be still unstable after some time.

2 All: just check updates! I got 2.0.6_0027 firmware:

Solve the occasional unresponsive home kit problem
Solve the problem of disconnection in LAN mode without external network
Optimize memory usage

Hi! After full power on/off cycle LAN Control protocol (TCP:55443) on YLXD49YL
(FW: 2.0.6_0024 ) works fine 192.168.l.254 for some number of requests. I recent purchased the Yeelight Halo Ceiling Lamp Pro (YLXD49YL ) and wanted to add it to my Home by updating the firmware (