【紧急】yeelight mesh筒灯和射灯来电自动点亮BUG

我家安装了105个mesh筒灯+射灯 使用2个米家多模网关,开关使用yeelight凌动开关,目前问题是断电后来电无法记住之前灯的状态,全部自动开启,这在外出旅游出差时是件挺恐怖的事儿,固件在米家app上看已经更新至最新版。求助工程师解决,谢谢。

My family has installed 105 mesh downlights + spotlights, 2 multi-mode gateways of Mijia, and the switches are yeelight toggle switches. The current problem is that the state of the front lights that cannot be remembered after power failure is turned on automatically. This is a terrible thing when traveling on business. The firmware has been updated to the latest version on Mijia app. Ask the Engineer for help. Thank you.

Mi ID: 2967203

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