1S and Stripe do not follow API specification on setting RGB=0 (Black)


the currently API documention outlines that zero is a valid RGB value.

"rgb_value"is the target color, whose type is integer. It should be expressed in decimal integer ranges from 0 to 16777215 (hex: 0xFFFFFF).

Unfortunately, the 1S, as well as Stripe V2 respond with a "“code”:-5001,“message”:“invalid params” error. Expected behaviour is that Zero, i.e. black, is treated as any other colour as outlined in the specification, even if this results in powering of fthe Leds.

Bulb 1S
{“id”:3,“error”:{“code”:-5001,“message”:“invalid params”}}

Stripe v2
{“id”:3,“error”:{“code”:-5001,“message”:“invalid params”}}

In case of question or clarification required, please do not hesitate coming back to me.
I am also willing to support getting the Yeelights to the next level, by testing an interim firmware, if provided.

Many thanks in advance and kind regards,

0 is bot valid rgb value, please do not use it.
The document and some firmware versions are somehow outdated, we will correct it in following versions.

Thank you. Would be good having an updated documentation soon also covering some non-documented features, yet.