2 bulbs on 3 stopped working today

Me desesperei hj achando que já era a lâmpada, mas me acalmei dps de ver q n é só cmg. Pelo que eu entendi é algum problema na nuvem/servidor e só resta esperar normalizar pra tentar conectar dnv

this is exactly my problem right now. seems like a handful of people are getting this issue. maybe something with the servers

Irmão, muda servidor pra o da Ásia, reseta a lâmpada e conecta ela. Deu certo aqui

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Try to chance the server. It worked here

Resetar a lâmpada e colocar no servidor da Ásia e reconectar deu certo aqui, pelo menos solução provisória, fiquei em choque aqui pensando que tinha queimado wi-fi da lâmpada.

1 个赞

Today no more issues,

All working fine.

I have 2 yeelight bulbs white and one bedside lamp II and one ceiling light round. yesterday there was power outage in the area and when power came back on I could only see the ceiling light as online. all the devices work with the switch , they are connected to router but it still says offline . I deleted the devices and I reset then they connect to router again but it says connection timeout and fail . I tried the service quit apk , no lamp connects to my hotspot .

Same here in Denmark. :frowning:

The issue has been fixed, have a try again.

Eu resolvi trocando de servidor. o que me fez questionar: pq caralhos precisa se conectar a um servidor? é uma fodendo lampada na minha casa…

O que me faz pensar: pq caralhos precisa se conectar a um servidor? é uma lampada na minha casa, carai.

Porra, de novo, agora nao funciona com nenhum servidor.

Hello I have same problem today I tired to reset but it gives error on %25 percent I tried to change my router dns to still nothing happened.
What should I do?