Request for Dark-mode application

I am not sure but I don’t think I’m the only one who thinks the yeelight application it too bright to use in the evening.
It would be nice if you could provide a dark theme option in the application.


13 个赞

It would be nice if it also was tied to the toggle of Android 10 system theme

3 个赞

It would be pretty nice.

1 个赞

Thanks for your advice, we will take a look at it.

5 个赞

Dark mode is very necessary.

4 个赞


1 个赞

Half a year has passed…

2 个赞

Pleassssse we need dark mode for the app.
If its night or I wake up in the morning its dark in the room and i need to turn the light on with the app when I go in to the app it blinds me every time… this is not a good experience… plzzzz

2 个赞

Hello there, will you review this idea again?
It is really needed :wave:

1 个赞

Hello! So do you consider on doing dark mode? Just so we know weather should we wait. It’s really needed!