BEDSIDE MJCTD01YL firmware 1.6.6_0172 TURN ON WHEN LOSE WIFI CONNECTION. Hello i have two Bedside lamp Connect in WiFi with my router. When WiFi goes down(reboot router schedules) the beedside lamp turn light on automaticaly. Whe WiFi goes on the beedside auto reconnect to WiFi but the light does not turn off. What can i do? Thankyou

Seems this is a bug, what’s firmware version of your lamp?


Any news for me? Thankyou

Hello can you help me?

Please have a try with Yeelight, there’s an option of “Default State” that you can disable auto on after power outage.

Hello the beedside does not have this option, only the bulb v1 e v2 have power state option. I try with yeelight and mihome app. I

Hello any news?

Whyyou ignore my message?

Just confirm that there’s no option to set default state of the lamp, cause it will keep off state when you power on.

Your firmware is the latest version, have no idea why it turns on when network goes down. I tried from our lab but the lamp stills off state in the case.

Does this happen every time when your network goes down? Which type of the router you use?


Hello the firmware is the last. The router is a tellephone android as acces point, router technicolor dga 4130, 4132. Asus rt-n66u. I dont know the case of my problem. Please help me

Hello any news for me?

Does this happen every time you turn off your router?

I have the same issue.
Before I go to bed.
I turn off the router. Then turn off the lamp.
Few minute later it turn on by itself.

This issue happened after I updated firmware to currently latest version (1.6.6 0172)
Before that, I never had this issue.

Could you please fix this.


Yes, no wifi. Lamp on

Wow good assistance here,no comment…

Hello can you help us with this problem?