Color flow for crystal pendant

I’m on the USA server. I turned my light switch off and back on to my surprise the ambient light was in color flow like my lightstrips. Where and how do I turn this on within the app?

There’s an options of Ambient in top of control view page from yeelight app, from which you can control ambient light.

Well aware of Ambient section. What I’m saying is that my ambient lighting was in color flow meaning going through different colors. Under the Recommend section within Ambient, that option isn’t there. How did it do that?

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Also had this happen to me. Haven’t been able to test it yet but I think it’s possible through the Yeelight app.

Click the burger menu -> Customisation (Spelled Cutomization in the app).

There you can make a frame based switcher. Haven’t been able to test it because I did a firmware update that caused my light to be offline all the time.

Customization with colors doesn’t work on last app.

Want Flow mode too. It was amazing! Its working only ONE TIME - after firmware update :((((

IMG_0341 (2)

Make solution throug LAN command:

{“id”:1,“method”:“bg_start_cf”,“params”:[0,0, “5000, 1, 16711680, 100, 5000, 1, 65280, 100, 5000, 1, 255, 100”]}

Please add all BG_*** commands to Yeelight application. Thanks!