Can’t connect color bulb after reset

Hi, i’ve changed my WiFi connection so I have to reset all my bulbs. After switching 5 time on and off and following all the steps and after the connections reaches 100% it return to the reset screen where it says to reset the bulbs by switching etc.
Please help!
My ID is 1833262843
And i’m connected to Singapore

Try changing DNS of your router to

It didn’t function

Please help me!

First of all, please check if the bulb connected to your router.

It didn’t cause when it reach 100% it return back to the reset screen “switch 5 times…”

Please check from DHCP list from your router to see if it is connected.

Hi, I checked and it didn’t

So this is why connection fails, the bulb can only work with a router using WPA/WPA2 encryption method with a password, 2.4 ghz.

And what’s your router’s model?

My router has all the thing you’ve just said…i’ve Just checked