Hello again,
I have two YLDP05YL and I have been trying to update firmware since last November. The Yeelight app keeps telling me that there is no update yet I see tons of people on much newer firmware. How do I update the firmware please? Thanks
Account ID: 1891770519
Tunable White LED bulbs gen2
Firmware: 1.4.2_0016
United States server
Did you try connecting to china server?
1 个赞
Hi dalanik, Thanks for replying.
No Sir I did not try that. Why would I try that if I’m in the States? The Yeelight App tells me to connect to United States (Recommended). Also, I believe that all my Bulbs and settings will disappear once I change servers?
Is it OK for me to connect to China server just for Firmware updates and then back again? Are there newer firmware at China server? I am on 1.4.2_0016 still. Thank you dalanik.
Best Regards
Well for one, most of the devices work on Chinese server… unfortunately
So even though I am in Europe, I use chinese server for everything…
Anyway, yes, you could try connecting to china, updating and then going back to USA server…
For info…If that is v2 RGB bulb… I’m on
OK dalanik, I also read from one of these threads, that I now can’t find lol, that Yeelight could update my firmware simply by enabling it using my account ID, instead of me having to set up my bulbs all over again on a different server. Changing servers completely removes all my bulbs from the App and all my custom settings etc. It’s like starting all over again, and considering this is part of a Google Home setup I am not sure exactly what is involved. I.E Will everything be wiped? Because that would be un-welcomed. Or do I just connect the two v2 bulbs I have using china server, update firmware, then go back to USA server and all is well? Maybe a full reboot of the bulbs at best?
Mine are the LED Tunable Whites V2. Didn’t really want nor need RGB, that is for my PC lol. But I might someday. I will try it now and see what happens. Thanks dalanik for sharing your experience.
Best Regards
OK, its confirmed. Changing servers requires a complete Bulb reset before adding them back to the Yeelight App. That is kinda asking far too much for a simple firmware update.
How do I get the attention of Yeelight staff here? They should be able to enable forced firmware update from their side I would think.
They will not do anything. If you need support, Yeelight does not care at all. I really do not recommend their products.
2 个赞
Yes it does, but I think that when you return to your original server you would have all settings intact.
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model : yeelink light color 3
MI ID : 1605537318
current version 1.4.2_0024
I need urgent firmware update in order to enable homekit functionality on my smart bulb.