My Yeelight experience

At first, the bulbs were great. They worked from my phone and i could even get my google home to connect to them. Granted the whole color selection is trash, and how you select them is also trash. But like i said at first it was great. Then the firmware update happend and everything went to shit. They dont connect, they disconnect, they dont work via google home, and half the time they wont even work via phone. If your going to have a product that “YOU” as a company says can do all these things reliable. It better FUCKING do them. And i also saw somewhere that you are working on a new yeelight color bulb, I dont know im just a average guy not a huge company but maybe make sure your first product fucking works first before making a new one


There’s something error with the cloud server, we have fixed the issue. Please have a try.

Sorry about the issue.
