Make it possible to sync multiple bulbs

Hello there, Yeelight. I’ve bought about 6 bulbs and was very happy to learn there’s an open API.
Currently I’m developing Desktop application to control them. I’m using Qt, so it’s gonna be cross platform from the start, I already got all of basic stuff working, including music mode.

So, thing is, when I want to change colors or brightness very fast in music mode I have no option to sync bulbs between each other, because together with unlimited message quota they are also stop sending responses, so I have no way to tell “All right, now all of bulbs got my message, so I can send next”.

It would be awesome if you could do something about it.

Also, I’ve seen another app like that here “Yeelight Toolbox for Windows”, sadly it doesn’t work for me.

It’s very hard to do that since each bulb is connected through unicast socket. The perfect solution is to use broadcast or multicast socket. For WiFi bulb, we don’t have plan to do that, but we are working on some new techniques that could achieve the perfect synchronization among bulbs.

It’s very hard to do that since each bulb is connected through unicast socket.

If there would be a mode like “music mode” but with responses from bulbs for each message I think I could achieve synchronization. e.g. when I want to make all bulbs red I send them “set color = red” signal, with id of each message. And I won’t send next color state change, until all of my messages got answered with “yep, color now is red” like it is in normal mode. This way It would be possible to achieve a sync between bulbs to some extent. Though this is only a hypothesis, may be I am wrong. Though it will have some time lag spikes and my latency for a single state change will be higher.

Anyways, thank you for response. Looking forward to “new techniques that could achieve the perfect synchronization among bulbs”.