Can't connect with hidden wifi

Hi. I changed my router to a new one and it has hidden wifi (internet provider rules), so i have to connect my mobile phone to the network manually. My bulb won’t connect since then. Tried the ‘on and off 5 times’ thing a few times. Not working. Help?

HIdden ssid is not supported. To work around this (if you can’t change your router’s setting), please use another phone as hotspot and set the ssid and password exactly the same as your hidden ones. Then connect your bulb through this hotspot. After the connection, you can disable your hotspot and the bulb will connect to your hidden router.

I had issues with hidden SSID with few other products. The trick is to unhide SSID (your base station name), and later on hide it.

Also, if you have Access Control or MAC Filtering, you will need to add mac address of your yeelight in your router.

on iOS, you can setup hotsport as per below:

How stupid is this? Such a basic thing, are you kidding? I payed 30CHF for this crap and i have to return it.
To work around this, get to work and add support for hidden wifi!
Users buy the bulbs to integrate with their home network, not to disrupt and create stupid phone hotpots just for a stupid bulb or set of bulbs…

Stupidity of these companies are really high.

Sorry for the rant, its just unacceptable and stupid. For such small thing i have to return it.

I searched on every forum on internet and eventually end up fixing this by connecting to a hidden Wi-Fi network on your iPhone, you can follow these steps:-
1. Open Settings:- Tap on the “Settings” app icon on your iPhone’s home screen.
2. Wi-Fi Settings:- Scroll down and tap on “Wi-Fi” to access the Wi-Fi settings.
3. Join a Network:- Tap on the “Other…” option listed under “Choose a Network” if the hidden network is not automatically detected.
4. Enter Network Details:- You’ll need to manually enter the SSID (name) of the hidden network. Type in the exact name of the network in the “Name” field.
5. Security Type:- Select the appropriate security type for the hidden network (e.g., WPA/WPA2, WEP, etc.).
6. Join the Network:- After entering the network details, tap on the “Join” button to attempt to connect to the hidden Wi-Fi network.
7. Confirmation:- If you entered the network details correctly and the network is within range, your iPhone should connect to the hidden Wi-Fi network. You’ll see a checkmark next to the network name in the Wi-Fi settings indicating that you are connected.
Follow for more details instruction below.