Candle light flicker mode - all lights

A really nice feature, which could apply to all the Yeelight range is a ‘Candle light flicker’ mode that emulates the flickering of a candle flame. It would be lovely to have this feature in all my lamps, including all those that use the Yeelight Colour bulbs and bedside lamps.

The mode need not set the colour, that can still be the user’s choice, but the brightness and flicker effect…

Will do.

Candle Flicker scene has been released.

Please try and let me know if you got any problem with that.


The scene works very well but please could you make it slightly dimmer?



What product were you using? Color Bulb?

I have tested it on my color bulb but not my white bulb

Can you create random flickers? at the moment it looks more like it is chaning colours quite fast in a pattern.

How to activate and from where do I get this flicker scene mode for yeelight colour bulbs ?

You can find Candle Flicker mode from recommend page (Control view – > Favorite).

I m sorry, but still not clear. is this menu available on MI Home APP OR Yeelight APP, for yr info I m using iOS

Request if u can elaborate further

If thru iOS MI Home/Yeelight APP, then which server Singapore OR mainland China to be selected

Go to the yeelight app,
Then click your bulb.
Turn it on.
Scroll to the right on the circle buttons until it says favourites.
Then scroll to the bottom to candle flicker,
Hope this helped.


1 个赞

Thanks a million Dude

1 个赞

Bonjour, le mode candle est pas mal, mais il me semble qu’il ne soit pas possible de ch+nger la teinte ni l’intensité de la scène… Est ce possible ? Sinon, pensez vous le développer ? Ce serrait vraiment un must :wink: