Yeelight Color Globe has switched off

I got the color globe today, plugged it in and turned it on, switched on fine and i connected to MiHome app and could control it and change colors.

I downloaded yeelight app so i could get my globe working with google home and when i tried to connect the globe to my yeelight app it Got 45% through install and stopped, i tried again and it said to reset the globe as it wasnt a new connection so i disconnected it from my mihome app and tried to reset the globe, i turned it off at the wall to start reset but after first switch off it wouldnt switch back on.

I tried in another lamp but wouldnt work now i cant power device on to find it and it isnt in any of my apps

Can someone help. Mi id is 1810254599


Try switch on/off more times, and make sure the power is correctly connected, if still not work, it should be hardware problem. Please contact your retailer to get replacement.