My yeelight color cant connect to wifi

hi guys,
i just found that my router have me connected to dns that was that it not exist as dns. It was actually my gateway ip. So i changed my primary dns ip to and my secondary ip to and its all fixed.

Good to know, thanks for your share.

I had the same problem connecting to my router. Its a5G and a 2.4 ghz one. I had to connect to the 2.4 ghz side of the router which is displayed on my wifi settings. After connecting the yee light the app works in either setting 5G or 2.4. Hope this helps u. It will not connect to 5G intially

Hi my yeelight bulb 1s when try connect show timeout. in router it dont show bulb name only show unknow

I had the same issue Months ago and i removed my bulbs because i couldnt find a solution.
Recently i wanted to add my printer to my wifi and a had a similar problem.

Turns out that my router used wifi mode WPA2 + WPA3 in security settings.
Sometimes WPA2 devices, and i am guessing that the bulbs use wpa2, don’t connect in that setting.

If i change that to WEP + WPA2 then my printer my bulbs can connect to my wifi.
so i started using them again.