Google Home Mini

Hey everyone is am new here, i got a google home mini today and i tried to link my 2 lamps to it and it isn’t working at all, i have tried at 20 times, look if i could find a solution on forums and it is still not working, hope someone can help

Thanks you

Make sure you connect to Singapore or US server and you can control them through Yeelight app.

Hi, just tried that still nothing when i log in into the xiaomi account it says at the bottom that it’s been linked but it doesn’t let me edit the lights i’ve got

You need to provide more info:

  1. which server did you choose
  2. Are you using Bedside lamp or WiFi series?
  3. Post some screenshots here would be helpful.

Hey, i am using bedside
Here are the photos, as you can see, i cannot assign rooms, then it says that it’s linked but when i ask google to turn on light nothing happens

Please show me your xiaomi id.

It is 1601548645

Hi, Can’t Link Yeelight Actions to Google Home,
Il linked to Singapour
M’y id 52831003

I found your desk lamp connect to China server, please reset your lamp after change server.

Hi I will what about the desk lamp? It’s not working either

OK, i record your xiaomi ID, please try link with GoogleHome, i will view log to check problem.
if you encounter error page, you can take a screenshot to send me.

About how to reset desk lamp:

Works great now, thanks for the help