Choose (day/moon) mode at scheduled scenes

The sunrise starts at scheduled times in the same mode as it was used last. That means: when I used the lamp in daylight (sun) mode, sunrise will be applied in sun mode, too (what is way too bright). What should be changed: Selection of the light mode (sun/moon) in scheduls. Lamp size 4500

Good point, we will consider to add it. Currently there’s no way to select the mode for scenes(like sunrise or sunset).

1 个赞

Do that die sunrise and Sunset!
Thanks! This should not be so hard, because if you select ‘night mode’ moon modus starts- that means that the program code is already ready to change the mode in the scene area.

Please give me more informations at the given time.

Bye the way: i Love the lamp - it is a great product!

Hello @dingyichen, I am also interested in this request.
Can you confirm if it is planned?

Thank you,