Mi Bedside Lamp 2 無法連接上 Apple HomeKit

是這樣的,我於2019五月買了米家床頭燈2,因為那時候在使用小米手機所以一直沒發覺這個問題直至今年2020年1月開始使用蘋果手機, 我在Apple Home掃描QR code或是手動輸入8位的連接碼也無法連接。米家Apps或是使用Google Home連接倒是正常的

我的米家床頭燈2 mac Address 7C49EB5651F3
我的小米帳號 1658323236

Dear Yeelight Team,Please assist me to fix this problem, I am looking forward to read your helpful reply!

I’ve read the related post about the Mi Bedside Lamp 2. And Apple HomeKit connect problem: Homekit Setup Code Incorrect

I tried using the default HomeKit connect code 11122333
But it didn’t work
Yeelight Staff, You have said in the post of Homekit Setup Code Incorrect
To Ask for replacement From retailer But I had already throw away the packing box of the Mi Bedside Lamp 2
So what should I do? Will They replace it for me?
FYI: I bought it from Online Hong Kong Mi Store