Yeelight crystal pendant default setting problem

我有一个yeeelight水晶吊灯,我将其中4个连接在一起,并且还与遥控器连接。 当我打开灯时,吊灯的原装环境背光是彩色的(蓝色,紫色)如何更改着背光的颜色?当然能够用遥控器按几下,但是因为这个房间是董事会会议室,每次熄了灯后,再开的灯都是紫色的,当老板有客人过来时,我们需要一直摆弄灯,他好气哦。求求各位大哥姐们帮我研究下怎么把着调下.就是一开灯时颜色是白色,环境背灯也是白色或黄色也行

I have a yeelight crystal pendant, i connected 4 of them together and also connect with remote. When i turn on light, the pendant default ambient light is colourful (blue, purple) how do change the default light colour? Becos this room is board meeting room, everytime open light is purple my boss feel weirded out when he has clients over and we need to fiddle the lights all the time. i jus need this lights to be white when i flip the switches on and the backlight to be either white or yellow as the default setting