Brought 4 yeelight smart bulb... first one was able to connect to google Home but the rest can't

Hi there, had brought 4 Yeelight LED Smart Bulb, the setup of the first one on Mi Home and linking to Google Home was perfectly fine. But the subsequent is able to setup on Mi home but unable to linked to Google Home. Had tried to reset over and over again and tried different bulb but it just don’t link. Hope you can advise.

You don’t link bulbs, you link your accounts. Say “hey google, sync devices”

Pardon on my poor details description earlier. The account is linked, but on MI app itself it does show second and third bulb on it … when linked to google home, in google home app it shows linked but it only appear on google home the first bulb that was installed… the remaining bulb wasn’t captured / appear in google home after linked. =(

hey google, sync devices
