Yeelight bath heater loss of heating

Hi, I have just installed a Yeelight Bath Heater, which was working fine initially however in a few days it has lost its heating functionality, now it only blows wind. Other functions appears to be working normally, however in my case the only function needed from it is heating.

I have searched online however have not found any related thread. I am based in the UK so its not worth it to ship it back to China for repairs and then ship it back. I bought the unit in China and arranged international shipping to get the unit here, its a lot of effort and I hope to get working!

Thanks for your help,


Hi William,

It seems that your bath heater use to enter the status of hardware protecting. When temperature over normal, it effects.

So please let me know your operatation(APP/remote controller…) before it losing of heat, and whether the wind becomes smaller than before. Thanks. My email:

If the device status seems safe, I will show you the method to resuming heating function(normally, these operation should in factory after the device return, because it need to disassemble the device).


Hi Ricky,

Thanks for getting in touch, yeah I was contacting Yeelight directly as well, I will reply to your email.



Hi @williamhou!
Did you found a solution?

Here in a another topic we are still looking for one:

The same problem. Did you found a solition ?