New colour bulb linked in Yeelight app but doesn't appear in Google Home


I have a 1st Gen White Bulb which is linked to Google Home and works well but my new 2nd Generation colour bulb does not appear in Google Home. They are both connected to Yeelight app.


Try to say: “Okay Google, sync my devices”.


Thanks. “Sync my devices” didn’t work but “sync my lights” did. :+1:


@yusure My yeelight is now working with google home commands even google showing it in added devices…my id is 5166596268. Server is already seted to Singapore…plz help

Hi guy,

What happened ? can’t link Xiaomi account ?


@yusure already linked with my Xiaomi account it’s just work well with Singapore server but only for one day…after that it stop working

Maybe you should keep your bulb online.