Yeelight color bulbs V2 connection timeout

I have 2 bulbs but can’t connect them both. When first bought them, I connected them on the first try. Later, had to reset one but now I can’t connect it. My WiFi is 2.4ghz, I can ping GR servers from my PC on same network and my MI id is 6154606465. Any suggestions? PS, can’t change DNS on my router because setting is locked/missing, but I can ping server and my other bulb works fine. I can see them both connect in router devices list

I have same problem as well hope they can fix it

Please setup a hotspots with another phone to see if you can connect to it. If yes, please change DNS of your router to and connect again. If you can’t change, try contact your ISP for help.

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hello I did well what you advise to do, but I still have the same problem, it marks me “timed out” . Can you help me ?