Led Buld color V2 Doesn't connect anymore

i got a question about my Led Buld Color V2. A few days i go i was trying to turn on my lamp, i opened the app like i do always(yes the lamp was already installed like 2 months or something) but it say it was offline, i flipped the switch thinking that the power was off, but now, the lamp still works when i switcht it back on. but i can’t controll it anymore, i tried it on a other account, other servers, nothing works. i cant control the collor and the brightness anymore. does someone pleas have a fix for this? let my know!
regards Max.

Try restarting you router. Turn bulb off, router off. Wait for router to boot, then turn on the bulb and try to connect.

1 个赞

i tried it like 3 days in a row, doesnt work :frowning:

I’m having the same issue. It happened a few days ago albeit my router was off for the night but I don’t see why this would effect the bulb when I turn the route back on. In fact it shows that it is connected to the router so I’m sure this isn’t a connection thing. More a software issue …

Try logout Yeelight app and login again.