Need help google home

I don’t know why my google home(ggh) apps can login Yeelight . When I add a new light in the apps , login in , then will go back to the add light that page . Anyone can tell me how can I do !?

Which server does your device content to?

I think is China , becoz my light is new model . Also some other mi products is only can connect at china server

Oh, sorry, China servers are not currently supported.

How ever i can’t even login in in the google home apps , I try change the sevar USA then login again is same . Go back to the page is add light . Wt do I think ? Is google that apps problem or is Yeelight ?

Singapore server works…I made a 2nd account for only the lights I want to connect with the Google home…

If you want to use Google Home, please content to Singapore server or US server!

You need reset device after change server.

U guys try use other sever to login ? I even can’t login in the a/c in google apps

Tell me your xiaomi ID