Mi/Yeelight account on Google Home

I’m using Google Home Mini in France. I have an Mi/Yeelight account, everithing works perfectly with one RGB bulb.
But, when i try to connect my Yeelight account on Home, the screen gets back to “add a device” screen.

  • troubleshoot -
    DNS change on modem -> no change
    Firewall rules edited on modem -> no change

    Yeelight app set on “Singapore”

    RGB bulb works with Yeelight Android app
    RGB bulb works with IFTT on Android and Google Home Mini
    RGB bubl can’t be connected to Google Home app (any device appears after login on yeelight account on Google Home app)

You need to use China server.


Singapore server is fine.

Please provide your xiaomi account.

@yusure will help.

My Mi ID is 1628551978


Are you sync devices successful on GoogleHome app?