Confusing Scenes

i don’t feel the Scenes is intuitive to use.

in Scene tab:

  1. click Add, choose icon
  2. create name
  3. select Device (for eg… RGB bulb)
  4. Select Customized Light
    then i see 2 options which I believe i added/created some time ago. not sure how it got there. How do i add/edit more options here?

on Oreo 8.0

You have to tap the icon on the upper left corner and customization.

so just a shout out to the Dev, shouldn’t the flow be:

  1. Add, create name, select device
  2. select presets or customized light,
  3. plus the option to create customized light?

i just thought that’s logical flow. or at least an option.
right now we need to create customization first. if forget then have to cancel the “Add” sequence above to go back to create customization.