Can you share the code for scenes via start_cf method?

Hi there,

I am using a home automation server and i am controlling the yeelight products via tha Lan Control protocol.

I really like the scenes you are offering within the app.
Could you please share the start_cf commands you are using for example the sunrise and sunset mode?

Kind regards

Sunrise command for color device:


Sunset command for color device:

3 个赞

Thank you very much.

The commands are working on the colored bulbs.
Are these the same for the non-colored ceiling light?

Sunrise command for ceiling:


Sunset command for ceiling:



did you change the sunrise command for ceiling within the app? If I use your provided code, I have two light flashes, one at the begin and the last tick is also a quite wide step.
If I start the sunrise mode via app it is much, much smoother.

that’s exactly we used in app.

I found a page on Github with all the scene codes from the Yeelight app
Just google “yeelight scenes github”